Discover the Truth

Welcome to a space dedicated to a profound theological exploration. Here, we embrace and delve into the Doctrine of Christ—the belief that Jesus is the literal Son of God. Our foundation rests on the conviction that God’s first creation is a Spirit, one that mirrors His own life-giving essence perfectly. This Spirit, known as His only begotten Son, manifested in the world through the incarnation of the Holy Spirit as the foretold Son of Man.


The ‘Book of Elisha’ is not just a publication; it’s a testament to this belief. It serves to elaborate on how Jesus embodies this divine truth, offering insights and expounding on the nature of Jesus as the literal Son of God. We invite you to journey with us through these pages as we uncover and affirm this pivotal aspect of faith. Let’s begin this transformative journey together.



Book of Elisha - The Ultimate Resource for Spiritus Christology

At Book of Elisha, we believe in the truth of Spiritus Christology – that the Holy Spirit is the literal Son of God. Our mission is to provide resources that educate and inspire believers in this fundamental doctrine. From the Book of Elisha to the Spiritus Christology Creed & Statement of Faith, we offer a range of materials that illuminate the truth of Jesus as the Son of God.

Explore the Word of God

Our books and scrolls provide a deep and thorough understanding of the Doctrine of Christ and the teachings of the Bible. Our materials are designed to help you connect with the divine and develop a stronger relationship with God.


Book of Elisha

Our flagship product, the Book of Elisha, is an in-depth exploration of Spiritus Christology. It offers a comprehensive understanding of Jesus as the literal Son of God and the importance of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritus Christology Creed & Statement of Faith

Our creed and statement of faith provide a concise and clear summary of Spiritus Christology. It serves as a powerful tool for understanding and sharing this fundamental doctrine.

Elisha Chronicles & Spiritus Creed Set

Our Elisha Chronicles & Spiritus Creed Set is the ultimate resource for Spiritus Christology. It includes a detailed exploration of the Book of Elisha and a comprehensive overview of the Spiritus Christology Creed & Statement of Faith.

Expertly Curated Collection

Our collection is expertly curated to provide a deep understanding of Spiritus Christology. Each book and scroll is carefully selected to offer an in-depth exploration of this fundamental doctrine.

At Book of Elisha, we are committed to the preservation and sharing of knowledge. Our materials are designed to inspire and educate, providing a deep understanding of the Doctrine of Christ and the teachings of the Bible. Join us on our journey toward a deeper connection with God.

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Connecting with God through Knowledge

Book of Elisha is more than just a store – it’s a community of believers seeking a deeper understanding of God’s word. Our mission is to provide resources that inspire and educate, connecting believers with God through knowledge and understanding.

Book of Elisha

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